3 Line Foil Setup

Flexifoil 3.3M

35-45 MPH unassited setup

barhole figure8 kiteparked overview traveler tuned
barhole.jpg figure8.jpg kiteparked.jpg overview.jpg traveler.jpg tuned.jpg

If you want to use a bar with your 4 line foils, this is a good option. You can
take advantage of the brake lines for use in "Parking" the kite, as a "Deadman" 
safety system and Reverse Launch. You loose some of the fine control input of 
handles but for me the trade off is worth it.


 o A Bar with a hole or Fairlead (barhole.jpg)

 o About 25ft of Leader material (I like Spectra)

 o 2 rope stoppers (figure8.jpg)

 o A third flying line equal to or slightly shorter than your
   main flying lines. Use the same strength if possible. If this
   line breaks, you could be in a world of hurt.

 o Extra 10-15ft piece of flying line for "Y" (yline.jpg)

 o Small Harken air block or small ring (traveler.jpg)

 o Somthing to stake your kite to (overview.jpg)

 o Perhaps a helper when you get to the tuning stage


 o If you have not already, connect some leader line to the main flying lines
   on your bar. I use about 6 ft. The main reason for this is that my third
   line is the same lenght as my flying lines. The third line needs to be
   shorter than the flying lines but I had to cut them. I add longer leaders
   to the main lines to avoid cutting down the third line.

 o Run the leader for the third line through the bar. Place a stopper on the
   riderside and kiteside of the bar with figure 8 knots. Don't tighten them.
   You will be adjusting the position of the knots later. (barhole and figure8.jpg)

 o Connect the 3rd flying line to the 3rd line leader. Run it out to your block
   or ring. I use a pigtail to connect to the my block (traveler.jpg) I call this
   assembly a Traveler. I think I remember somthing similar to this when I use to
   sail boats.

 o Connect your brake lines together with a 10-15ft piece of line. Run this line
   through the block or ring. You will need to experiment with the lenght so don't
   cut or tie hard knots in it yet. Here's a picture of the "Y" line connecting
   the brake lines and going through the traveler (yline.jpg)

 o Connect your kite to the lines to the kite.


 o Have a helper now if you can. Also try this in light wind first...

 o Set the riderside stopper so that there is enough slack so you can fly
   the kite in 2 line mode. If the riderside stopper is too close to the kite
   it will put on some brakes and the kite will not fly well. Here's the
   location of the riderside stopper (overview.jpg)

 o Land the kite with the help of your helper

 o Pull in on the third line while holding the bar. This will engage the brakes.
   The kite might flop around. Let out the line (releasing the brakes some). The
   Kite will want to "sit up". Try to get it to look like tuned.jpg. The trailing
   edge will be tucked a little. The kite will not take off but just sit there
   down wind.

 o When you find this position, tie a figure 8 knot for the kiteside stopper 
   barhole.jpg. When you hold the third line leader the bar will slide to the
   kiteside stopper. The kite should just sit there and not flop around much
   kiteparked.jpg You should be able to put the 3rd leader line around your
   anchor and walk away overview.jpg

 o Now fly the kite again. Move the riderside stopper closer to the kite. You
   will notice the slack go out of the 3rd line when flying. You can test where
   the best spot for the stopper by pulling on the 3rd line while flying the kite
   hooked into the harness line. The less line you have out on the 3rd line, the
   less drag so you will like to make it as tight as possible without affecting
   the flight of the kite. The traveler lets you have the 3rd line tighter without
   screwing up the flight of the kite. Try tying the 3rd line directly to the "Y"
   and you'll see what I mean.


 o Once you think you have it all setup, Connect the third leader line to you
   or your harness. Testing in light wind, you should be able to let go of the
   bar at any time and the kite should "fall out of the sky" and eventually rest
   in the parked position kiteparked.jpg

 o Reverse launch; if the kite lands or crashes leading edge down, all  you should
   have to do is let go of the bar and pull or tug on the third line (attached to 
   you or your harness) The kite should reverse and flip back over to it's trailing
   edge. Sometimes it takes a bit of finesse to make this happen but practice it.
   once the kite is in position kiteparked.jpg, grab the bar and let go of the 3rd

 o video of reverse launch?

 o show how to wind lines on bar and pack kite..

 o etc...